CS 3.8

AR 7.4

OD 6.0

2.95 stars

Aim (Total)

1.27 stars

Aim (Jump)

1.25 stars

Aim (Flow)

0.55 stars


0.71 stars


1.62 stars


1.26 stars


1.92 stars

Top Performances

#PlayerModsAccuracyCombo ( max 278 )MissesPP
1. aefrogdog HD, HR, NC, FL 100.00% Perfect 163pp
2. Dabo HD, HR, DT 100.00% Perfect 151pp
3. Mikayla HD, HR, DT, FL 99.59% Perfect 149pp
4. RRragnarock HR, DT 99.59% Perfect 134pp
5. pewdekz HD, HR, DT 98.34% Perfect 118pp
6. TheShadowOfDark HD, NC, FL 100.00% Perfect 107pp
7. Tripl3A HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 100pp
8. boeing747 HD, SD, DT 100.00% Perfect 100pp
9. Fsjallink HD, NC 100.00% Perfect 100pp
10. NoikkaX HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 100pp
11. oshino- HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 100pp
12. Psiki HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 100pp
13. MystExiStentia HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 100pp
14. Vello HD, NC 100.00% Perfect 100pp
15. Niji to Yuki HD, NC 100.00% Perfect 100pp
16. Mulo HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 100pp
17. _starry HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 100pp
18. Brozeus HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 100pp
19. EnderArcherBoy HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 100pp
20. OwO not furry HD, DT, PF 100.00% Perfect 100pp
21. The Copy HD, NC 100.00% Perfect 100pp
22. Sowisty HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 100pp
23. Wanted HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 100pp
24. eleczka HD, DT, PF 100.00% Perfect 100pp
25. -meep HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 100pp
26. Tactic HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 100pp
27. Kagaya_Rin HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 100pp
28. Toki Toyosaki HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 100pp
29. alfath32 HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 100pp
30. Akutan HD, SD, DT 100.00% Perfect 100pp
31. tatiuo256 HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 100pp
32. Kuon- HD, NC 100.00% Perfect 100pp
33. Virgo HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 100pp
34. Pareo HD, NC, PF 100.00% Perfect 100pp
35. KoreanAmerican HD, SD, DT 100.00% Perfect 100pp
36. MapleDoge HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 100pp
37. respektive HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 100pp
38. Mizuhika HD, NC 100.00% Perfect 100pp
39. Pristine HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 100pp
40. Zman840 HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 100pp
41. xMilkyWay HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 100pp
42. Toileri HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 100pp
43. Pantsumann HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 100pp
44. Lime717 HD, SD, DT 100.00% Perfect 100pp
45. LosingCrayon HD, NC 100.00% Perfect 100pp
46. Yuzyu HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 100pp
47. -Fortys- HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 100pp
48. Zhatoxx HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 100pp
49. Werkit HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 100pp
50. Ethan HD, NC 100.00% Perfect 100pp