CS 4.0

AR 8.5

OD 7.5

4.19 stars

Aim (Total)

2.13 stars

Aim (Jump)

2.13 stars

Aim (Flow)

0.27 stars


1.22 stars


2.02 stars


1.55 stars


2.28 stars

Top Performances

#PlayerModsAccuracyCombo ( max 448 )MissesPP
1. CapoeiraDoMorte HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 258pp
2. Invoker HD, NC 100.00% Perfect 258pp
3. Koltay HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 258pp
4. LucassKun HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 258pp
5. Pein HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 258pp
6. mooningham HD, DT 99.74% Perfect 246pp
7. LanJay HD, DT 99.74% Perfect 246pp
8. Koba HD, DT 99.74% Perfect 246pp
9. Trigonoculus HD, SD, DT 99.74% Perfect 246pp
10. Frogsi HD, DT 99.74% Perfect 246pp
11. Pengrio HD, DT 99.74% Perfect 246pp
12. Scoozyxd HD, SD, DT 99.74% Perfect 246pp
13. Rizer HD, DT 99.48% Perfect 239pp
14. Raindrop HD, DT 99.48% Perfect 239pp
15. Mouse Player HD, DT 99.48% Perfect 239pp
16. [-koume-] HD, DT 99.48% Perfect 239pp
17. Khytacami HD, DT 99.48% Perfect 239pp
18. BoT-Shirt HD, DT 99.48% Perfect 239pp
19. That Was Easy HD, DT 99.48% 447 / 448 238pp
20. Emperium HD, DT 99.48% 447 / 448 238pp
21. AkiraSSG HD, DT 99.48% 447 / 448 238pp
22. Senjougahara H HD, NC 99.48% 447 / 448 238pp
23. Wakson DT 99.74% 447 / 448 235pp
24. Karuna HD, DT 99.22% Perfect 233pp
25. follon HD, DT 99.22% Perfect 233pp
26. Fork Wielder HD, DT 99.22% Perfect 233pp
27. chepchep HD, DT 99.22% Perfect 233pp
28. Rammu HD, DT 99.22% Perfect 233pp
29. pekora my mommy HD, DT 99.22% Perfect 233pp
30. aszhes HD, SD, DT 99.22% Perfect 233pp
31. Monk The Don HD, DT 99.22% 447 / 448 232pp
32. arth HD, DT 99.22% 447 / 448 232pp
33. Inchainz HD, DT 99.22% 447 / 448 232pp
34. Vanillish HD, DT 99.22% 447 / 448 232pp
35. Legitted HD, DT 99.22% 447 / 448 232pp
36. Mitsune Hiku HD, DT 99.22% 439 / 448 230pp
37. pewdekz HD, DT 98.96% Perfect 228pp
38. Gutio_ HD, DT 98.96% Perfect 228pp
39. Venyu HD, DT 98.96% Perfect 228pp
40. AccMoment HD, DT 98.96% Perfect 228pp
41. -Machine- HD, DT 98.96% 447 / 448 228pp
42. Yusomi HD, DT 98.96% 447 / 448 228pp
43. Damn Daniel HD, NC 98.96% 446 / 448 227pp
44. Shiiraki HD, DT 98.96% 446 / 448 227pp
45. [HDHR] HD, DT 98.70% Perfect 224pp
46. hurty HD, NC 98.70% Perfect 224pp
47. Stonedawg HD, DT 98.70% 447 / 448 223pp
48. eztar HD, DT 98.70% 447 / 448 223pp
49. Doragon HD, DT 98.70% 447 / 448 223pp
50. Dobbyy DT 99.22% Perfect 222pp