CS 4.0

AR 8.0

OD 7.0

3.87 stars

Aim (Total)

1.95 stars

Aim (Jump)

1.94 stars

Aim (Flow)

0.47 stars


1.12 stars


1.89 stars


1.51 stars


2.22 stars

Top Performances

#PlayerModsAccuracyCombo ( max 393 )MissesPP
1. Monk The Don HD, HR, DT 98.59% Perfect 299pp
2. Geuse HD, HR, DT 98.59% 392 / 393 299pp
3. Dungeon HD, HR, DT 98.03% Perfect 291pp
4. Ilmeria HD, HR, DT 98.03% Perfect 291pp
5. Emperorpenguin83 HD, HR, DT 97.47% Perfect 284pp
6. ppchoke HR, SD, DT 96.69% 392 / 393 265pp
7. xsrsbsns HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 216pp
8. Remilia-Scarlet HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 216pp
9. Darksonic HD, SD, DT 100.00% Perfect 216pp
10. 5231_Kinoko HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 216pp
11. Aeven HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 216pp
12. Homura- HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 216pp
13. Akiko- HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 216pp
14. rips HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 216pp
15. Yuleiyu HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 216pp
16. Sinch HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 216pp
17. yuugeki1234 HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 216pp
18. Ruru HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 216pp
19. Dark and Hard HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 216pp
20. Recia HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 216pp
21. Depa_old HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 216pp
22. Kikkyow HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 216pp
23. BluOxy HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 216pp
24. Marie Rose_old HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 216pp
25. KAKALOTE HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 216pp
26. Twintail HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 216pp
27. Kanon HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 216pp
28. - Haruka Wawa - HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 216pp
29. Teriyaki HD, DT, PF 100.00% Perfect 216pp
30. CheshireBreak HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 216pp
31. Varvalian HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 216pp
32. _iV_ HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 216pp
33. GitahMuttan HD, NC 100.00% Perfect 216pp
34. Ruchika HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 216pp
35. Misure HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 216pp
36. putigame HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 216pp
37. eoehd1ek HD, NC 100.00% Perfect 216pp
38. Runa HD, NC 100.00% Perfect 216pp
39. MBeforever HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 216pp
40. YuaKKuma HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 216pp
41. MikaeL HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 216pp
42. Ven0m HD, NC 100.00% Perfect 216pp
43. oppaiman HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 216pp
44. ske HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 216pp
45. threerda HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 216pp
46. OrekiHoutarou HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 216pp
47. Yuh HD, DT, PF 100.00% Perfect 216pp
48. Old K HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 216pp
49. KevsDoe HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 216pp
50. Little HD, DT 100.00% Perfect 216pp